Well... How did I get here?
I've been in the jewelry business as long as I can remember
I grew up learning the trade in my Grandfather's factory starting at about 10 years old. There is something unique about a jewelry shop. There is a certain scent-very much like the smell of fresh ice at 6am. Its immediate. You know it. There is something wonderful about the creative process. After a very small detour, I started working alongside my family in my early 20s and I never looked back. I've been designing and making jewelry for over 30 years.
One day I made a special puck shaped pendant for my son Hayden who started playing when he was 6 and his friends took notice. Hockey parents took notice. What started as a 'hey where can I get one of those?' led me to make this website and offer them to you. There's a lot of hockey jewelry out there. Most of it is cheap. This is the real deal. This is the good stuff. You'll see. I hope that you enjoy wearing your silverbiscuit for many seasons to come.

Back in the Day
I started playing roller hockey in my late 20s and transitioned to ice in my 30s. My son started playing at 6 and I've been involved in the hockey world ever since. Player, Coach, Scorekeeper and now I'm a USA Hockey Referee.
If hockey is your sport...
If you're from a hockey family....
You know...
You understand.
There is no other game like it.

I coached... well...... I opened the doors for the line changes. Still, working on the ice with my son and all his teammates from Mite through Pee Wee was a very rewarding experience and one that I am eternally grateful for. There is something unique about the 'hockey family' experience. I know that everyone is passionate about 'their sport', but I truly believe there is no other sport like hockey. The early ice, the tournament travel. The car rides. The smells. The locker rooms. The tears. The Cheers. Its all amazing.

I've been involved in all aspects of hockey from being an enthusiastic hockey parent, to being a board member of the local club, apparel coordinator and even scorekeeper. Recently, I followed my son's lead and signed up to be a USA Hockey certified referree. I have done over 700 games so far.
It is one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding experiences in my hockey story. There is so much going on on the ice and so much to learn from every game. Whether it be as a referee for a U10 game or as a linesman for 16AA, I'm always learning. You will never catch me yelling 'Ref you suck'!

These Idiots
Don't ask. At heart he is a Flyers fan. At heart I am a Rangers fan. Probably because I started going to games at MSG back in the early 90s. You had to be there. The end of the 50 year Cup drought. Matteau! Matteau! But I digress...
Without this guy in the Ducks jersey, I would have missed half of my life...
One day we heard about the roller hockey games in Santa Monica at the beach parking lot. We had some really crappy roller blades and we got some plastic Mylec street hockey sticks. We went down to the beach and were relegated to the 'beginners' game. There were no less than 5 games being played simultaneously.... 7 days a week. We played with balls and trash cans laid on their side. We were addicted. We made life long friends. We became hockey players.